iOS/Objective-C Development

MobileOffice iPhone/iPad App
RCO, Inc produces the MobileOffice app for iPhone and iPad, an office database client written in Objective-C that interfaces with their data server via RESTful API.
I created several features, including the background sync of data between the server and the device, mapping and calendar functionality.
Check out MobileOffice in the RCO app store!

Minimod iPhone Apps
These educational iPhone apps produced by eSkills Learning provide practice in specific essential skills using both tutorial and competitive game formats.
I created a series of production scripts in perl to prepare the content, and created the app functionality for the iPhone in Objective-C.
Check them out in the Minimod app store: Vocabulary Builder, Vocabulary Expander, Homophones, Analogies, Word Structure, Nouns, Verbs, Singular and Plurals, Context Clues, Context Clues - Advanced, Context Clues - Science, and Context Clues - Social Studies.
eSkills Learning, LLC. hired me to develop of a series of educational iPhone apps in Objective-C.