Perl/Python Development
I've used perl frequently to support asset management for the content heavy applications I've developed, as well as a CGI language powering dynamic websites. I've been using Python more recently as a scripting language, and to develop a cross platform client for a MySQL database. Here are some of the projects I've developed using perl and Python:

Nook Conversion
Barnes & Noble requested a set of prototypes to test the conversion of children's Nook books to web applications.
To accomplish this I investigated multiple flash conversion packages, designed and implemented perl scripts to convert flash animations to html/css, and produced a series of javascript modules to recreate the book UX.

Minimod iPhone Apps
These educational iPhone apps produced by eSkills Learning provide practice in specific essential skills using both tutorial and competitive game formats.
I created a series of production scripts in perl to prepare the content, and created the app functionality for the iPhone in Objective-C.
Check them out in the Minimod app store: Vocabulary Builder, Vocabulary Expander, Homophones, Analogies, Word Structure, Nouns, Verbs, Singular and Plurals, Context Clues, Context Clues - Advanced, Context Clues - Science, and Context Clues - Social Studies.
eSkills Learning, LLC. hired me to develop of a series of educational iPhone apps in Objective-C.

SRI Math Database
I developed a database and client for the SRI Center for Technology in Learning. This database contains the content for SRI's development of middle school math materials based on Singapore's highly successful pre-algebra math curriculum. The database is managed with MySQL, and I wrote the front end in Python using wxWidgets. I also developed a series of content management scripts using perl and Python.

Interactive Phonics System
Scholastic, Inc contracted with me to produce a series of phonics projects. The first was the Scholastic Phonics Readers, a 12 CD set of interactive stories and activities. Scholastic provided the assets, while I provided the technical design and either completed or managed the programming. I developed an engine in Macromedia Director which brought together database information and graphic and audio assets to produce a director file for each portion of the program. This approach enabled us to produce a set of 12 CDs, encompassing 72 stories, 216 activities, 72 tests, and a teacher managment section, and using approximately 26,000 assets, in slightly less than a year.
Another programmer and I also developed the management portion of the product in Director. This included the student login and teacher management section, which used the v12 database xtra to keep track of student activity.
In addition to programming the product itself in Director, I created or managed the creation of several production utilities in C++ and Quicktime, Director, Delphi, and perl.
Following the Phonics Readers, we developed the Scholastic Phonics Booster Books, an 8 CD set of 36 additional readers and activities.
Check out the flash demo of the series on Scholastic's site.